Nizam-i-Cedid- special rules for Turkey in EIA

Turkey may declare the Nizam-i-Cedid revolution if it fulfills all the requirements in any December New political Combinations Step of the Grand 1805 Campaign Game.


Immediate Effects: Effects during the following year: If the revolution is successful, then that is announced in the December New Political Combinations Step, 12 months after the revolution began. The following effects apply: Modified money and manpower for Turkish provinces and Ottoman Minors:
TURKEY           $ MP     Ottoman Empire  $ MP
Albania          4  1     Algeria         7  3
Anatolia        13  7     Cyrenaica       3  2
Armenia          2  1     Egypt          12  6
Bessarabia       2  1     Morocco         5  2
Bosnia           4  2     Palestine       4  2
Bulgaria         5  2     Syria           7  4
Crete            2  0     Tripolitania    3  2
Crimea           9  2     Tunisia         6  3
Cyprus           2  0     TOTAL          94 48
Georgia          3  0     Note: doubled as free states
Greece           4  1
Macedonia        4  2
Military Border  4  1
Moldavia         3  0
Podolia          9  3
Rumelia          6  2
Serbia           5  2
Transylvania     7  3
Wallachia        3  1
TOTAL          101 30
Once the revolution has been completed, it cannot be reversed. If one of the following situations arise during the revolution, it fails. It may be attempted later if requirements are once again fulfilled.
If the revolution is ended at any time, then all feudal corps are immediately available for placement at full strength in their provinces; the Ottoman, Janissary, and Imperial Cavalry are available for placement with their normal maximum.